Uranus Corporation shall hereby obey the standard for human rights, internationally recognized, such as the International Labor Office Tripartite Declaration of Principles, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and take the action in accordance with the Responsible Business Alliance, and shall formulate the insurance of human rights and labor policy, illustrating as follows:
1. Various Compatibility & Equal Opportunity:
1-1.In employing employees,there will be no discrimination in language, attitude, and behavior based on race, class, language, thought, religion, partisanship, place of birth, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, age, marriage, appearance, facial features, physical and mental disabilities, constellation, blood type or past membership of the labor union.
1-2.To ensure no discriminative treatment in employment policy, there shall be fulfilled employment, salary welfare, training, the fair and just evaluation and promotion opportunity, and the effective and appropriate complaint mechanism is provided, to avoid and respond to the affairs that will endanger the rights of the employees, as well as to be dedicated to building up the working environment of equal employment, and free from discrimination and harassment.
1-3.There shall be regular follow-up of the implementation concerning the various compatibility and equal opportunity.
1-4.There shall be no employment of the child labor under the age of sixteen years old, and any behavior that may cause to employ the child labor shall not be allowed.
2.Reasonable Working Hours:
To ensure the employees will not risk the too long working hours, the specification of the working hours and the extended working hours shall be specified. In the Attendance System, there is alarm function actively installed, and regular inspection and control. The attendance situation of the employees should be cared about and managed, and there should be irregular announcement to the supervisors and employees.
3. Forced Labor:
When the employment relations is made, the written labor contract shall be signed in accordance with the law, and in the contract, it is specified that the employment is formulated on the basis of mutual agreement, there is no forced labor, illegally trafficking labor and the anti-slave system.
4. Health Safety Career:
To avoid the potential risk in health safety carrying with the work style, the health safety risk of the employees will be regularly checked, and there will be improvement plan according to the identification results.
5. Freedom of association:
Employees shall have the freedom of association, of installing the various clubs, and actively announcing that the employees shall join the clubs.
6. Labor-management Negotiation:
Smooth communication channel should be established, and the Labor- management conference shall be regularly held, to ensure the interests of both parties.
7. Privacy Protection:
7-1.To fully safeguard the privacy of the customers and stakeholders, the well-rounded information safety and management mechanism should be established, and the strict control specification and protective measures should be obeyed.
7-2.All the business cooperative partners, including the suppliers, customers, etc., shall be invited to elevate the concern for the issue of human rights together, and value the management of the related risk.
7-3.Intelligence Property Right should be respected, and it is forbidden to use copied items and privacy software.
8. Business Ethics:
Be Integral in business, have no unjust profits, public information, intellectual property rights, obey the fair trade/advertising and competition standards, keep the identification confidentiality and eliminate the retaliation, be responsible for purchasing the minerals, privacy.